Winter Break February 14-23
Posted on Feb. 12, 2025We hope that you enjoy Family Day and the rest of the week with your family. Enjoy the Winter Break! Yes, we get an extra day with Reed Ranch having a non school day on Friday, February 14th.
We hope that you enjoy Family Day and the rest of the week with your family. Enjoy the Winter Break! Yes, we get an extra day with Reed Ranch having a non school day on Friday, February 14th.
Gardeners it is that time to start dreaming of this year's flowers and produce! Fundraiser will run until February 27th. Parent Council will receive the orders in March. Should you scan the QR code please…
Scholastic Book Club flyers for JAN/FEB are coming home this week. If you would like to place an order, please use CODE RC179508. Points earned using this code go towards purchasing books for our school…
Do you have a student or know of one that will be joining us in the fall for Kindergarten? Registration for the 2025-26 school year opens today!
We hope you enjoy the holiday season and look forward to seeing students return January 6th.
Getting your child to school regularly is one of the most important things you can do to ensure they are successful readers by the end of Grade 3 (and beyond). Why is that important? Research tells us…
Please join us on Wednesday October 30th, anytime after school until 6pm. Bring the family, some pumpkins and carving tools, and a potluck dish to share! We will set up in the gym for carving, and…
4 Seasons of Reconciliation Course 4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a unique 3-hour online course that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canadians through transformative learning…
Please come and let us serve you breakfast. Pancakes will be ready at 8:24. Meet the staff and new families to the area. Everyone is welcome. We try to be a green school so we ask that you bring your…
Families, you can purchase the school supplies listed below directly from School Start (our official school supply company for your convenience - for Reed Ranch School, or you may utilize the same list…
On January 8, 2024 Kindergarten Registration is open for the 2024/2025 School Year! Children who turn 5 by December 31, 2024 are eligible for the 2024/2025 Kindergarten school year. Please use this…
Congratulations to Ethan for a job done well.
With great honour we celebrate Erin Machell (15 yrs) and Terry Seidel (30 yrs) for all their years of service, hard work and dedication.
We are excited to be running a Kernels Popcorn Fundraiser to purchase more books for the library. Attached are the links. Kernels Fundraiser Information and Kernels Order Form. Paper order forms are due…
We hope that you and your family have a fantastic week of winter break! We look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday, February 27th.
This is our One Book, One School novel this year. We will be following a schedule as a school and students will be asked to read it at home with you over the months of January and February. Reading aloud…
Kindergarten Registrations will be accepted for the 2023-2024 school year beginning on January 9, 2023. Your child must be 5 years old by December 31, 2023. Please click on the Registration link to…
Thank to those that attended our Remembrance Day Program.
Halloween is approaching and the Town of Olds has created this great Halloween Safety tip sheet. Have a look and share with your little spooks.
Thank you to the Westview Co-op for the generous donation of all the breakfast supplies for our Pancake Breakfast. It was very much appreciated. Thank you to the families for coming out, it was so wonderful…
2021-2022 Yearbooks are here! Get yours today by retransferring $20 to Parent Council at and email them to say you ordered one. You could send cash with your child but…
It is so wonderful to see everyone today and hear about all the great summer holidays the kids had. Just a reminder that tomorrow is a school day (Friday, Sept.2) for grades 1-6 as we slide to Friday…
For more pictures please look under our photo galleries.
To view this years' Calendar, please click the link below. Reed Ranch School Calendar 20 21
Our Kindergarten registration is open starting January 11. Please visit the CESD website to register!!
We are excited to welcome your child into our Chinook’s Edge School community!
Make online payments quick & easy through your Parent Portal.
View all bus routes and transportation services
Alberta Education seeks feedback on the K-6 curriculum. Provide your thoughts through the online Parent Survey.