{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sl240\slmult1\qc\b\f0\fs28\lang9 REED RANCH SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES\par MONDAY, OCTOBER 25TH,2021\par 3:45PM\b0\par \par \par \pard\sl240\slmult1\b\fs22 IN ATTENDANCE\b0\par \par -\b \b0 Dean, Christa, Chantelle, Krista, Kyla\par \par \b CALL TO ORDER\par \par -\b0 Dean called the meeting to order @ 3:58pm\par - Motion to approve the agenda made by Christa, seconded by Kyla\par \par \b PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES\par \par \b0 - Chantelle read the previous meeting minutes\par -Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes made by Christa, seconded by Chantelle\par \par \b OLD BUSINESS FOR DECISION AND ACTION\par \par \b0 - Tennis court, Dean will check if Vance had a chance to look at it\par -Picnic tables, no more quotes\par -Looking more into the play structure and tables, can we refurbish the play structure or does it need to be torn down\par -Christa is looking at a book of play structures out of B.C, we would like wheel chair accessability\par \par -Krista and Merissa did the audit\par \par -Chantelle has gathered information from pizza places in Olds for pizza days, we have decided to go with pizza 73 for the pizza, and pizza hut for a pasta day\par \par -Chantelle, Krista, and Theresa have finished and delivered the halloween bags to the school\par \par \b TREASURERS REPORT\par \par \b0 - Christa read the treasurers report\par - Motion to approve the report made by Kyla, seconded by Krista\par \par \b STAFF REPORT\par \par \b0 -Kyla says thank you! The school got a new laminator, it was just over $3000\par - The kids are loving sub days!\par - If there is a snow day, there will be no hot lunches, we will make it up on another day\par - Motion to approve the staff report made by Chantelle, seconded by Christa\par \par \b NEW BUSINESS\par \par -\b0 Sub days and Pizza days are all organized\par -Year books , minimum we pay for is 50, the cost is $17.81 + shipping. We may look into other ideas for the yearbook, possibly candid pics and take our own class pics. We will look at Costco to see what their options are, and prices are, still get kids to do cover page\par -Christmas goody bags. Chantelle, Theresa, and Krista, have volunteered to help with these. Budget set for $250\par - Motion to approve $250 for the christmas bags made by Christa, seconded by Krista, all in favour\par \par - Christmas raffle, we will need the prizes in by the end of November, we will try to get 12 items\par -Looking into coming up with a better system to sign the tickets out\par -Send one ticket pack home per family, then they can get more if they run out\par - We will talk to Debbie about getting the tickets printed again this year\par - Tickets should be sent home on December 2nd or 6th\par - We may do a quick meeting mid December. \par - Dean will talk to Leanne about using the storage room for storing the prizes\par \par \b CORRESPONDENCE\par \par -\b0 None\par \par \b NEXT MEETING DATE AND ADJOURNMENT\par \par November 29th, 2021\b0\par \par \par \b\par \par \b0\fs28\par \pard\sl240\slmult1\qc\par \par \fs22\par }